Rejuvology is a holistic method that integrates various disciplines to create an outcome that surpasses traditional facials and face massage.
This comprehensive therapy combines ancient and modern techniques, that revitalise both your face and your emotional well-being.
Rejuvology has been meticulously created by Abigail James, following over 20 years of clinical practice and advanced study which have shaped this unique method into an unparalleled experience.
A welcoming sequence will be performed to help relax before the face is double cleansed and a gentle enzyme exfoliation. The face is then thoroughly massaged with a variety of methods, some of which will be firm and invigorating. The skin can feel warm and look glowing as the blood flow is stimulated. Immediate natural lift may be seen and the facial contours more refined. A soothing masque is applied to complete this treatment.
Whilst there are few contraindications note that no botox for 2 weeks before and no fillers for 4 weeks before a treatment.
Caution, the treatment is not suited to those suffering with active rosacea.
+44 7595916463
Stone Street Road,
Ivy Hatch, Kent TN15 0PQ
instagram: sibesbeautyspace
Copyright Sibe's 2021